18th Blessing of the GRSA Fleet
2020 -- 45th Anniversary
Opening Prayer:
O God, whose mighty hand rules both wind and wave, we thank you for your goodness and watchful providence. As we live by your grace, may our actions on both land and water always be favorable in your sight. Amen.
Seas Calmed:
In both Psalm 107 and several of the Gospels, we find stories of storm tossed waters being calmed. Just as God, by whatever name, guided those in peril to safety, the Lord watches over us during this time of worldwide pandemic and social isolation. Thanks be to God.
Memorial Day Tribute and Remembrance:
Pause now in a moment of silence for all those in each military branch who have died while in service to our country. Also remember each of the 25 club members who have died over the years. [silent pause] We celebrate their lives as we remember.
Blessing of Boats and Sailors:
Eternal God of heaven, earth, and sea take into your protection all those who use our facility and sail upon the lake. Preserve them both body and soul; benefit their efforts with enjoyment and accomplishment; protect them from any dangers of the waters and bring them safely back to shore. Bless now the many boats of GRSA, their skippers, crew, and families. May camaraderie and good sportsmanship be a mark of all those who sail for pleasure and possible competition. May we be blessed with another gratifying, though modified, season of sailing, learning, and fellowship. Amen.
Closing Prayer:
The Lord bless us, and keep us safe and well in the months ahead. Amen.