Race Results

  • 30 May 2016 10:14 PM | Anonymous

    We had an excellent day of racing as two fleets raced each other, and raced to get in as much racing as possible before the weather turned nasty.  We set a short windward/leeward course and got off a few races.  Below are the results.

    Flying Scot Fleet

    Skipper                    Hull#             Race 1           Race 2          Score         Overall

    Chris Cookson        4105                    1                      1                  2                  1st

    Garland Hanson    5661                    2                      2                  4                 2nd

    Pete Hollberg         4868                   3                       3                  6                3rd

    Thistle Fleet

    Skipper                    Hull#         Race 1       Race 2     Race 3      Score   Overall

    Rob Perera              1696                1                1                 2              4           1st

    John Suddreth         279                2               3                  1              6           2nd

    Bill Kitchens           3187                3               4                  3              10        3rd

    Kevin Schulz           1705                4               2                  4              10        4th

  • 15 May 2016 9:47 PM | Anonymous

    GRSA's annual Around the Island Regatta is a fantastic, family friendly race event and is always well attended.  This year was no exception with 13 boats entered and 11 boats finishing.  This is our only distance race, around a small island located on the far end of the reservoir. Despite technical difficulties with the committee boat, we had a clean start.  The winds were blustery but our skippers managed to keep their boats upright and crew mostly dry.

    Race Results (scored on Portsmouth handicap):

    Skipper             Boat              Elapsed Time        Handicap Finish

    Bill Kitchens       Thistle            1:22:36                        1st Place

    Dave Upton         Flying Scot    1:30:38                       2nd Place

    Pete Cookson      Flying Scot    1:31:30                        3rd Place

    Garland Hanson Flying Scot    1:31:49                        4th Place

    Kate Gomes         Flying Scot    1:32:27                        5th Place

    Bruce Koch          Flying Scot    1:32:38                        6th Place

    Peter Patnaude   Flying Scot    1:34:22                        7th Place

    Kaitylyn Reilly    Flying Scot    1:40:24                        8th Place

    Carlos Rudge       Hobie 18       1:34:06                         9th Place

    Mike Hogeland     Flying Scot    1:43:26                        10th Place

    Barry Carter        APB                 2:32:00                       11th Place

  • 06 Mar 2016 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    I'd rather be sailing than working any day, that's for sure.  Today we had a mix of clouds and sun, which made for a pleasant day on the water, even if the wind was ridiculously shifty (even for the reservoir).  Our RC was patient with the light, puffy air and managed to squeeze out a few races. One thing we were missing today was more boats!  

    We would like to once again say thank you to our guest race committee volunteers, Debbie C. and Mosbey W. of FBYC for their help. And on that note, I'd like to put in a plug to all GRSA members to sign up in advance to help with race committee duty using our new RC Volunteer sign-up sheet.  See all the races on the calendar for 2016 and sign up early.  It's a great way to enjoy a day on the water and get a close-up view of the action!

    We hope everyone will mark their calendar and make a point to join us for the final race of the 2016 GRSA Frostbite Series, Sunday March 20th. Also, bring an appetizer or crockpot dish and when the racing is done, we'll enjoy the refreshments and give out awards for the Top 3 finishers of the series.

    Here are the results from today's races:

    Skipper/Crew   Hull#   Home Club Place/Scores
    John Wake/ Rob Whittemore  5341  FBYC  1st (1+1)
    Chris Snyder/
    Matthew Snyder
     338  GRSA  2nd (2+2)
     Pete Cookson/
    John Reilly
     4104  GRSA  3rd (4+3)
     Ben Ward/
    Pete Patnaude
     4971  GRSA  4th (3+DNF)

    Fair Winds,

    Ben Ward - RC Chair

  • 21 Feb 2016 9:00 PM | Anonymous

    Today was another good day of sailing and Frostbiting at GRSA, even if the temps weren't very frosty...but hey, we're certainly not complaining!  We had a great turn-out, with a total of 7 Flying Scots in the fleet.  The winds behaved in their typical up, down, and all around fashion.  Special thanks to our awesome guest race committee volunteers, Debbie C. and Mosbey W. of FBYC, who managed to squeeze out 3 windward/leeward races before the rain started.

    Lastly, a quick reminder to check out the GRSA race schedule and sign up to help out with race committee using our new RC Volunteer sign-up sheet.


     Skipper/Crew  Hull#  Home Club  Place/Scores
    Tracy Schwartzchild/
    Andrew Spencer
    5790   FBYC  1st (2+2+1)
     Chris Snyder/
    Matthew Snyder
     338  GRSA  2nd (3+4+3)
     John Wake/
    Carrie Russel
     5341  FBYC  3rd (1+RAR8+2)
     Kate Gomes/
    Vince Gomes
     3875  GRSA  4th (4+1+7)
     Chris Cookson/
    Pete Cookson
     4104  GRSA  5th (5+3+5)
     Ben Ward/
    Peter Patnaude
     4971  GRSA 6th (7+6+4)
     Tom Gallagher/
    Jim McMillian
     5055  GRSA  7th (6+5+6)

    Photos by: Bruce Kozlowski

    As a reminder, Race 5 of the 2016 Frostbite Series will be on March 6th.  Come out and play!

    Fair Winds,

    Ben Ward - RC Chair

  • 09 Feb 2016 11:14 AM | Anonymous
    After two consecutive cancellations due to weather, racers finally got an opportunity for some frostbiting action this past Sunday Feb 7th.  The wind cooperated and we had a good turnout with 7 Flying Scots and 1 Trimaran.  Overall race results are posted below, along with a few pictures, courtesy of Bruce Kozlowski and Mike Hogeland.  As always, many thanks to our race committee volunteers and Chesterfield County first responders for braving the chilly weather!

    Flying Scot Fleet

     Skipper/Crew Hull#   Home Club  Place
     Rob Whittemore/
    John Wake
     5341  FBYC  1
     Chris Snyder/
    Mathew Snyder
     338  GRSA  2
     Kate Gomes/
    Vince Gomes
     3875  GRSA  3
     Chris Cookson/
    Pete Cookson
     4104  GRSA  4
     Tom Gallagher/
    Jim McMillan
     5055  GRSA  5
     Tracy Schwartzchild/
     5790  FBYC  6
     John Reilly/
    David Reilly
     3867  GRSA  7

    As a reminder, the next scheduled race of the 2016 Frostbite Series will be on Feb 21st.  Come out and play!

    Fair Winds,

    Ben Ward - RC Chair

  • 12 Nov 2015 10:35 AM | Anonymous

    Flying Scot:

    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Race 4: Overall Place:
    4104 Chris Cookson / Pete Cookson 1 1 2 1 1
    33 Ben Ward / Eric 3 1 2 2 2
    4296 Mill Jones / Mike Warren 3 1 2 2 3
    2565 John Pew / Lennart Stromberg 4 4 4 4 4


    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Race 4: Overall Place:
    1676 Rob Perera / Sarah Clark 1 1 2 2 1
    1705 Kevin Shulz / Richard Shulz 2 2 1 1 2
    3187 Sam Bedinger / Max Bedinger 3 3 3 3 3


    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Race 4: Overall Place:
    175107 Carlos Rudge 1 1 1 1 1

    Pete Patnaude
    2 2 3 2
    9572 Brent Barcomb
    3 3 3 3
  • 06 Sep 2015 11:47 AM | Anonymous

    Flying Scot:

    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Overall Place:
    4104 Chris Cookson / Pete Cookson 1 3 1 1
    5846 Mills Jones / Karen Reily - Jones 3 1 2 2
    5055 Tom Gallagher / Jim M. 2 4 3 3
    5600 Bruce Koch / Pete K. / Kaitlin 4 2 4 4


    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Overall Place:
    3187 Bill Kitchens / Erin Kitchens / Doug H. 2 2 1 1
    1705 Kevin Shulz / Richard Shulz 1 3 2 2
    2121 Sam Bedinger / Max Bedinger 4 1 4 3
    13187 Gram Simmons 3 4 3 4


    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Overall Place:
    13156 Bob Damon 2 1 1 1
    3101 Dick Pittman / Dave B. 1 2 2 2
    68 Mike Kasko / C. Kasko / J. Edwards 3 3 3 3


    Sail Number: Sailors: Race 1: Race 2: Race 3: Overall Place:
    175107 Carlos 1 1 2 1
    109572 Alex 2 DQ 1 2
    118582 Brent 4 2 3 3

    Peter 3 2 DNF 4
  • 13 Jul 2015 4:20 PM | Anonymous


    Skipper Crew Boat Number Place
    Rob Perey Sarah Clark 1696 1
    Bill Kitchens Ryan Flanagan
    3187 2
    Kevin Schulz Rick Schulz 1705 3
    Matthew Garman Linda Cronin 3719 4

    Flying Scots:

    Skipper Crew Boat Number Place
    Chris Snyder Matthew Snyder 4391 1
    Chris Cookson Pete Cookson 4104 2
    Tom Gallagher David Bagenstose 5055 3
    John Reilly Kurt Steinbock 3867 4
    David Upton Thomas Barnes 4391 5

    Day Sailers:

    Skipper Crew Boat Number Place
    Gary Ogden Jenna Ogden 2551 1
  • 12 Jun 2015 4:19 PM | Anonymous

    Check Out Pictures from the Invitational Here!

    Congrats to our winners, and we'll see you at the next race!

    Competitor Boat Number Home Club Total Points Place
    John Wake
    Sharon Wake
    5341 FBYC 7 1
    Len Guenther
    Barb Guenther
    6033 FBYC 10 2
    Charlie Buckner
    Dave Oller
    5971 Carolina Sailing Club 18 3
    Tracy Schwartzchild
    Mike Stephens
    5790 FBYC 34 4
    Chris Cookson
    Pete Cookson
    4104 GRSA 38 5
    Colin Fradd
    Jill Reilly
    3875 BSC 39 6
    David Upton
    Marge Upton
    4391 GRSA 46 7
    Bruce Koch
    Kaitlin Koch
    5600 GRSA 51 8
    Tom Gallagher
    Hobart Harvey
    4704 GRSA 51 9
    Kate Gomes
    Bret Winters
    3990 GRSA 52 10
    Gary Ogden
    Bob Penterson
    5909 GRSA 53 11
    Gene Kendall
    Craig Singleton
    5120 Fleet 42, Selby Bay 53 12
    John Reilly
    Kurt Steinbock
    3867 GRSA 56 13
    Ben Ward
    Diane Andrews
    4971 GRSA 71 14

    Download the full results here.

  • 05 May 2015 4:17 PM | Anonymous

    2015 GRSA Around the Island Results:

    We had great weather for our 2015 Around The Island Race with a total of 12 boats competing.  This was a handicap race and one of the closest in recent memories, with all boats finishing within about 5 minutes of each other, after more than three and a half hours of racing!  

    Congrats to our winners, and we'll see you at the next race!

    Skipper Crew Boat Type Boat Number Place
    Lennart Stromberg Ewan Sturrock Point Jude N/A 1
    Mills Jones Karen Jones Flying Scot 5846 2
    Pete Cookson Lexi Cookson Flying Scot
    4104 3
    Garland Hanson Leslie Hanson Flying Scot
    5661 4
    Bruce Koch Kaitlan Koch Flying Scot
    5600 5
    Colin Fradd Ben Ward Flying Scot
    3875 6
    Carlos Encarnacao Carolin Encarnaco Flying Scot
    1706 7
    Dave Upton Maryie Upton Flying Scot
    4391 8
    John Reilly Kurt Steinbock Flying Scot
    3867 9
    Robert Cook Carol Cook Flying Scot
    4515 10
    Sam Bedneser Mark Bedneser Thistle 1705 Black 11
    Kevin Schulz Kyle Itolloyan Thistle 1705 White 12

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